Prafullkumar Tale

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In theoretical computer science, the authors’ name appear in alphabetical order of their last names. Also, a norm is to publish preliminary results in a conference (which have page limits) and their full version in a journal.

[ P-32 ] Robust Contraction Decomposition for Minor-Free Graphs and its Applications
with Sayan Bandyapadhyay, William Lochet, Daniel Lokshtanov, Dániel Marx, Pranabendu Misra, Daniel Neuen, Saket Saurabh, and Jie Xue
Summary | Paper

We prove a robust contraction decomposition theorem for H-minor-free graphs, which states that given an H-minor-free graph G and an integer p, one can partition in polynomial time the vertices of G into p sets Z1,...,Zp such that tw(G/(Zi∖ Z′)) = O(p + |Z′|) for all i in [p] and Z′ subset of Zi. This results in subexponential FPT or XP algorithm for every vertex/edge deletion problems on H-minor-free graphs that can be formulated as Permutation CSP Deletion or 2-Conn Permutation CSP Deletion. Consequently, we obtain the first subexponential-time parameterized algorithms for Subset Feedback Vertex Set, Subset Odd Cycle Transversal, Subset Group Feedback Vertex Set, 2-Conn Component Order Connectivity on H-minor-free graphs. For other problems which already have subexponential-time parameterized algorithms on H-minor-free graphs (e.g., Odd Cycle Transversal, Vertex Multiway Cut, Vertex Multicut, etc.), our theorem gives much simpler algorithms of the same running time.

[ P-31 ] Structural Parameterization of Locating-Dominating Set and Test Cover
with Dipayan Chakraborty, Florent Foucaud, and Diptapriyo Majumdar
[C-27] International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity CIAC, 2025.
Summary | Paper

We investigate structural parameterizations the two mentioned problem when parameters are vertex cover and feedback edge set number. The later parameterization resolves an open question in the literature. We also prove that the problems do not admit polynomial compressions when the parameter is the number of vertices (under standard assumption).

[ P-30 ] Metric Dimension and Geodetic Set Parameterized by Vertex Cover
with Florent Foucaud, Esther Galby, Liana Khazaliya, Shaohua Li, Fionn Mc Inerney, and Roohani Sharma
[C-26] International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS, 2025.
Summary | Paper

We observe that both problems admit an FPT algorithm running in time 2^O(vc^2) poly(n), and a kernelization algorithm that outputs a kernel with 2^O(vc) vertices. We prove that both these results are optimal under the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). We only know of one other problem in the literature that admits such a tight algorithmic lower bound. Also, the list of known problems with exponential lower bounds on the number of vertices in kernelized instances is very short.

[ P-29 ] Double Exponential Lower Bound for Telephone Broadcast
(This is a single author paper)
Summary | Paper

In this article, we studied the Telephone Broadcast problem and answered two open question by Fomin et al.. Our reductions results in somewhat rare results. First, the problem admits a double exponential lower bound when parameterized by the solution size under the ETH. Second, we prove that the problem is NP-complete even on graphs of feedback vertex set number one, and hence on graphs of tree-width at most two. Hence, this result proves very tight polynomial/NP-completeness dichotomy separating treewidth one from treewidth two, which is a rare phenomenon.

[ P-28 ] Tight (Double) Exponential Bounds for Identification Problems: Locating-Dominating Set and Test Cover
with Dipayan Chakraborty, Florent Foucaud, Diptapriyo Majumdar
[C-25] International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2024.
Summary | Paper

In this article, we presented several results that advances our understanding of the algorithmic complexity of Locating-Dominating Set and Test Cover. Moreover, we believe the techniques used in this article, which are build on [P-27] can be applied to other identification problems to obtain relatively rare conditional lower bounds.

[ P-27 ] Problems in NP can Admit Double-Exponential Lower Bounds when Parameterized by Treewidth and Vertex Cover
with Florent Foucaud, Esther Galby, Liana Khazaliya, Shaohua Li, Fionn Mc Inerney, and Roohani Sharma
[C-24] International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2024.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by L. Khazaliya

All the known conditional lower bounds of the form 2^{2^{o(tw)}} are for the problems that are `complete' for the classes higher than NP in the polynomial hierarchy. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that it is not necessary to go higher up in the polynomial hierarchy to achieve double-exponential lower bounds: we derive double-exponential lower bounds in the treewidth (tw) and the vertex cover number (vc), for natural, important, and well-studied metric-based NP-complete graph problems.

[ P-26 ] Revisiting Path Contraction and Cycle Contraction
with R. Krithika, Kutty Malu V K
[C-23] Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2024.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by V. K. Kutty Malu

We present an improved fixed parameter tractable algorithms for both of these problems. We also prove that Path Contraction is polynomial time solvable on planar graphs and on chordal graphs, it admits a polynomial time algorithm which i optimal under Orthogonal Vector Conjecture.

[ P-25 ] Conflict and Fairness in Resource Allocation
with Susobhan Bandopadhyay, Aritra Banik, Sushmita Gupta, Pallavi Jain, Abhishek Sahu, Saket Saurabh
Summary| Paper

We study parameterized complexity of a fair allocation problem in which we are given a set of agents, a set of resources, a utility function for every agent over a set of resources, and a conflict graph on the set of resources (where an edge denotes incompatibility). The goal is to assign resources to the agents such that (i) the set of resources allocated to an agent are compatible with each other, and (ii) the minimum satisfaction of an agent is maximized.

[ P-24 ] Parameterized Complexity of Biclique Contraction and Balanced Biclique Contraction
with R. Krithika, V. K. Kutty Malu, and Roohani Sharma
[C-22] Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2023.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by V. K. Kutty Malu

In this work, we initiate the complexity study of Biclique Contraction and Balanced Biclique Contraction. We first prove that these problems are NP-complete, admit simple single exponential algorithms, but differ in their kernelization complexity.

[ P-23 ] Romeo and Juliet Meeting in Forest Like Regions
with Neeldhara Misra, Manas Mulpuri, and Gaurav Viramgami
[C-21] Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2022.
[J-18] Algorithmica Volumne 86(11): 3465-3495 (2024).
Summary | Paper | Presentation by G. Viramgami

The game of rendezvous with adversaries is a game on a graph played by two players: Facilitator and Divider. Facilitator has two agents and Divider has a team of k agents. While the initial positions of Facilitator’s agents are fixed, Divider gets to select the initial positions of his agents. Then, they take turns to move their agents to adjacent vertices (or stay put) with Facilitator’s goal to bring both her agents at same vertex and Divider’s goal to prevent it. The computational question of interest is to determine if Facilitator has a winning strategy against Divider with k agents. In this work, we prove that this problem is hard even when the graph is very close to a forest.

[ P-22 ] Domination and Cut Problems on Chordal Graphs with Bounded Leafage.
with Esther Galby, Daniel Marx, Philipp Schepper, and Roohani Sharma.
[ C-20 ] International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, IPEC 2022.
[J-17] Algorithmica, Valume 86 (5): 1428-1474 (2024).
Summary | Paper | Presentation by R. Sharma

The leafage of a chordal graph G is the minimum integer l such that G can be realized as an intersection graph of subtrees of a tree with l leaves. We consider structural parameterization by the leafage of classical problems like DOMINATING SET, MULTI-CUT, STEINER-TREE on chordal graphs. We also prove that MULTIWAY CUT with Undeletable Terminals on chordal graphs can be solved in polynomial time.

[ P-21 ] Metric Dimension Parameterized by Feedback Vertex Set and Other Structural Parameters.
with Esther Galby, Liana Khazaliya, Fionn Mc Inerney, and Roohani Sharma.
[ C-19 ] Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2022.
[ J-16 ] SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, SIDMA, Volume 37 (4): 2241-2264 (2023).
Summary | Paper | Presentation by L. Khazaliya

For a graph G, a subset S of V (G) is called a resolving set if for any two vertices u, v in V(G), there is a vertex w in S such that dist(u, w) is not equal to dist(v, w). The METRIC DIMENSTION problem ask whether there exists a resolving set of size at most k in the given graph. In this article, we advance our understanding of structural parameterization of the problem.

[ P-20 ] Reducing the Vertex Cover Number via Edge Contractions.
with Paloma T. Lima, Vinicius F. dos Santos, Ignasi Sau, and Ueverton S. Souza.
[ C-18 ] Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2022.
[ J-15 ] Journal of Computer and System Sciences JCSS Volume 129: 22-38 (2022).
Summary | Paper | Presentation by U. Souza

The CONTRACTION(vc) problem takes as input a graph G on n vertices and two integers k and d, and asks whether one can contract at most k edges to reduce the size of a minimum vertex cover of G by at least d. Recently, Lima et al. [JCSS 2021] proved that unlike most of the so-called blocker problems, CONTRACTION(vc) admits an XP algorithm. They left open the question of whether this problem is FPT under the standard parameterization. We answer this question in negative and prove some othe results.

[ P-19 ] Parameterized Complexity of Weighted Multicut in Trees.
with Esther Galby, Daniel Marx, Philipp Schepper, and Roohani Sharma.
[ C-17 ] Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2022.
[ J-14 ] Theoretical Computer Science, TCS , Volume 978: 114174, 2023.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by P. Schepper

The Multicut problem is a classical cut problem where given an undirected graph G, a set of pairs of vertices P, and a budget k. The goal is to determine if there is a set S of at most k edges such that for each (s,t) in P, G - S has no path from s to t. In the weighted version of the problem, one is additionally given a weight function, the goal is to determine if there is a solution of size at most k and weight at most w. Bousquet et al. [STACS 2009] asked whether Weighted Multicut on trees is FPT. In this article, we answer this question positively by designing an algorithm using a very recent technique of directed flow augmentation by Kim et al. [STOC 2022].

[ P-18 ] The Complexity of Contracting Bipartite Graphs into Small Cycles.
with R. Krithika, and Roohani Sharma.
[ C-16 ] Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2022.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

The C_q-Contractibility problem takes as input an undirected simple graph G and determines whether G can be transformed into C_q (the induced cycle on q vertices) using only edge contractions. In this paper, we show that both C_5-Contractibility and C_4- Contractibility are NP-complete on bipartite graphs. This completes a dichotomy results and answers open questions stated in Dabrowski and Paulusma [IPL 2017].

Mr. Sumit Kumar Prajapati, a student of IIT-Jodhpur, made this video presentation independently as a part of his course project.

[ P-17 ] A Framework for Parameterized Subexponential Algorithms for Generalized Cycle Hitting Problems on Planar Graphs.
with Daniel Marx, Pranabendu Misra, and Daniel Neuen.
[ C-15 ] ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2022.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by Daniel Neuen

For most NP-hard graph problems, as with chordal graphs, restriction to planar graphs does not seem to affect complexity,i.e. they remain NP-hard. However, most times, we can exploit planarity to get improved algorithms compared to what is possible for general graphs. While there are specific algorithmic ideas, like ‘bidimensionality’, which were used multiple times to get such improvements, the algorithms we get are highly problem-specific, and they do not give a general understanding of why such improvement is possible for planar graphs. The main contribution of our project is formulating a family of deletion-type problems and showing that we can solve each such problem in time n^{O(\sqrt{k})} on planar graphs. Our approach can handle problems that were not amendable to known techniques.

[ P-16 ] Sparsification Lower Bound for Linear Spanners in Directed Graphs.
(This is a single author paper without a conference version)
[ J-13 ] Theoretical Computer Science, TCS , Volume 898 : 69 − 74, 2022.
Summary | Paper

For a graph or a digraph, a spanner is its subgraph that preserves lengths of shortest paths between any two vertices in it up to some additive and/or multiplicative error. For undirected graphs, there are algorithms that find a spanner of non-trivial size in polynomial time. We prove that such algorithms are unlikely for directed graphs unless a widely believed conjecture fails.

[ P-15 ] \alpha-approximate Reductions: a Novel Source of Heuristics for Better Approximation Algorithms.
with Fredrik Manne, Geevarghese Philip, and Saket Saurabh.
Summary | Paper

The central thesis of this work is that \alpha-approximate reduction rules can be used as a tool for designing approximation algorithms which perform better in practice. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first exploration of the use of \alpha-approximate reduction rules as a design technique for practical approximation algorithms. We believe that this technique could be useful in coming up with improved approximation algorithms for other optimization problems as well.

[ P-14 ] On the Parameterized Approximability of Contraction to Classes of Chordal Graphs.
with Spoorthy Gunda, Pallavi Jain, Daniel Lokshtanov, and Saket Saurabh.
[ C-14 ] Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques, APPROX/RANDOM, 2020.
[ J-12 ] ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, ACM-ToCT, Volume: 13(4): 27:1 - 27:40, 2021.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

In this article, we present an FPT-approximation algorithm for contraction to the three graph classes viz cliques, split graphs, and chordal graphs. We present (1 + eps) algorithm for Clique Contraction, (2 + eps) algorithm for Split Contraction. We prove that such algorithm is not possible for Chordal Contraction. Moreover, for Split Contraction the algorithm can not be imporved to (5/4 - eps) for any eps > 0, unless the Randomized-ETH fails.

[ P-13 ] Parameterized Complexity of Maximum Edge-Colorable Subgraph.
with Akanksha Agrawal, Madhumita Kundu, Abhishek Sahu, and Saket Saurabh
[ C-13 ] Computing and Combinatorics Conference, COCOON, 2020.
[ J-11 ] Algorithmica 84 (10): 3075-3100, 2022.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by M. Kundu

A graph H is p-edge colorable if there is a coloring f from E(H) to {1, 2, ... , p}, such that for distinct edges uv, vw in E(H), we have f(uv) is not equal to f(vw). The Maximum Edge-Colorable Subgraph problem takes as input a graph G and integers l and p, and the objective is to find a subgraph H of G and a p-edge-coloring of H, such that |E(H)| is at least l. We study the above problem from the viewpoint of Parameterized Complexity.

[ P-12 ] On the Parameterized Complexity of Maximum Degree Contraction.
with Saket Saurabh.
[ C-12 ] International Symposium on Parameterized And Exact Computation, IPEC, 2020.
[ J-10 ] Algorithmica, Volume 84: 405 - 435, 2022.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

In the Maximum Degree Contraction problem, input is a graph G on n vertices, and integers k, d, and the objective is to check whether G can be transformed into a graph of maximum degree at most d, using at most k edge contractions. As our first result, we prove that a simple brute-force algorithm is asymptotically optimal under Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). We present a different FPT algorithm for this problem and resolve an open equation stated in the literature.

[ P-11 ] On the Parameterized Complexity of Grid Contraction.
with Saket Saurabh, Ueverton Dos Santos Souza
[ C-11 ] Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT , 2020
[ J-9 ] Journal of Computer and System Sciences, JCSS , Volume 129: 22-38, 2022
Summary | Paper | Presentation

In this article, we initiate the study of Grid Contraction from the parameterized complexity point of view. In this problem, an input is a graph G and an integer k, and the goal is to decide whether one can convert G into a grid by at most k edge contractions. We present a single exponential fixed-parameter tractable algorithm for this problem. We complement this result by proving that this Algorithm can not be improved significantly unless ETH fails. We also present a polynomial kernel for this problem.

[ P-10 ] Subset Feedback Vertex Set in Chordal and Split Graphs.
with Geevarghese Philip, Varun Rajan, and Saket Saurabh.
[ C-10 ] International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, CIAC 2019.
[ J-8 ] Algorithmica Volume 81 (9) : 3586 − 3629, 2019.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

In the Subset Feedback Vertex Set (Subset-FVS) problem the input is a graph G, a subset T of vertices of G called the “terminal” vertices, and an integer k. The task is to determine whether there exists a subset of vertices of cardinality at most k which together intersect all cycles which pass through the terminals. In this work we improve kernelization, fixed parameter tractable, and exact algorithms for Subset-FVS on Split graph. Our algorithm works even for chordal graphs.

[ P-9 ] Path Contraction Faster than 2^n.
with Akanksha Agrawal, Fedor Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, and Saket Saurabh.
[ C-9 ] International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2019.
[ J-7 ] SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, SIDMA, Volume 34(2): 1302 − 1325, 2020.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

The problem Path Contraction admits a simple algorithm running in time 2^n poly(n). In spite of the deceptive simplicity of the problem, beating the 2^n bound for Path Contraction seems quite challenging. In this paper, we design an exact exponential time algorithm for Path Contraction that runs in time 1.99987^n poly(n).

[ P-8 ] An FPT Algorithm for Contraction to Cactus.
with R. Krithika and Pranabendu Misra.
[ C-8 ] Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, COCOON 2018.
[ J-6 ] Theoretical Computer Science, TCS , Volume 954: 113803 (2023).
Summary | Paper | Presentation

For a collection FF of graphs, given a graph G and an integer k, the FF-Contraction problem asks whether we can contract k edges in G to obtain a graph in FF. Heggerners et al. [Algorithmica (2014)] presented FPT algorithms for Tree-Contraction and Path-Contraction. In this paper, we study contraction to a class larger than trees, namely, cactus graphs and present a single exponential FPT algorithm for Cactus- Contraction.

[ P-7 ] Exact and Parameterized Algorithms for (k,i)-Coloring.
with Diptapriyo Majumdar, Rian Neogi, and Venkatesh Raman
[ C-7 ] Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics, 3rd International Conference, CALDAM 2017.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by D. Mujumdar

In (k, i)-coloring, every vertex is assigned a set of k colors so that adjacent vertices share at most i colors between them. It is clear that (1, 0)-coloring is equivalent to the classical graph coloring problem. We extend the study of exact and parameterized algorithms for classical graph coloring problem to (k, i)-coloring of graphs.

[ P-6 ] Paths to Trees and Cacti.
with Akanksha Agrawal, Lawqueen Kanesh, and Saket Saurabh
[ C-6 ] International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity, CIAC 2017.
[ J-5 ] Theoretical Computer Science, TCS , Volume 860: 98 − 116, 2021.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

Path-Contraction and Tree-Contraction are FPT but Tree-Contraction does not admit a polynomial kernel while Path-Contraction does. In light of these mixed results, two natural questions are:
1. What additional parameter can we associate with Tree-Contraction such that it admits a polynomial kernel?
2. What additional parameter can we associate with Tree-Contraction such that an FPT algorithm with combination of these parameterizations leads to an algorithm that generalizes the FPT algorithm on trees?
In this paper we focus on the second question. We addressed the first question [ P-5 ].

[ P-5 ] On the Parameterized Complexity of Contraction to Generalization of Trees.
with Akanksha Agarwal and Saket Saurabh.
[ C-5 ] International Symposium on Parameterized And Exact Computation, IPEC, 2017.
[ J-4 ] Theory of Computing Systems, ToCS Volume 63 (3): 587 − 614, 2019.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

Path-Contraction and Tree-Contraction are FPT but Tree-Contraction does not admit a polynomial kernel while Path-Contraction does. In light of these mixed results, two natural questions are:
1. What additional parameter can we associate with Tree-Contraction such that it admits a polynomial kernel?
2. What additional parameter can we associate with Tree-Contraction such that an FPT algorithm with combination of these parameterizations leads to an algorithm that generalizes the FPT algorithm on trees?
In this paper we focus on the second question. We addressed the first question [ P-6 ].

[ P-4 ] Parameterized and Exact Algorithms for Class Domination Coloring.
with R. Krithika, Ashutosh Rai, and Saket Saurabh.
[ C-4 ] SOFSEM 2017: Theory and Practice of Computer Science.
[ J-3 ] Discrete Applied Mathematics, DAM Volume 291: 286 − 299, 2021.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

A class domination coloring of a graph is a proper coloring such that for every color class, there is a vertex that dominates it. In this work, we consider two problems associated with the cd-coloring of a graph in the context of exact exponential-time algorithms and parameterized complexity.

[ P-3 ] Lossy Kernels for Graph Contraction Problems.
with R. Krithika, Pranabendu Misra, and Ashutosh Rai.
[ C-3 ] Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2016.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

For an instance (I, k), an \alpha-lossy kernel is an instance (I', k') of the same problem such that, we can convert any c- approximate solution to (I', k') into a (c \alpha)-approximate solution to (I, k) in polynomial time. We prove that Tree Contraction, Star Contraction, Out-Tree Contraction and Cactus Contraction admits polynomial size \alpha-lossy kernel. It is believed that these problems do not admit polynomial sized (normal) kernels.

[ P-2 ] Dynamic Parameterized Problems.
with R. Krithika and Abhishek Sahu
[ C-2 ] International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, IPEC 2016. (Best Student Paper Award)
[ J-2 ] Algorithmica Volume 80(9): 2637 − 2655, 2018.
Summary | Paper | Presentation by R. Krithika

The goal in the area of dynamic graph algorithms is to efficiently maintain a solution under edge additions and deletions. We study the Dynamic \Pi-Deletion problem which is the dynamic variant of the classical \Pi-Deletion problem and show NP-hardness, fixed-parameter tractability and kernelization results.

[ P-1 ] Harmonious Coloring: Parameterized Algorithms and Upper Bounds.
with Sudeshna Kolay, Ragukumar Pandurangan, Fahad Panolan, and Venkatesh Raman
[ C-1 ] Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, WG 2016.
[ J-1 ] Theoretical Computer Science, TCS , Volume 772, 132 − 142, 2019.
Summary | Paper | Presentation

A harmonious coloring of a graph is a partitioning of its vertex set into parts such that, there are no edges inside each part, and there is at most one edge between any pair of parts. It is known that finding a minimum harmonious coloring number is NP-hard even in special classes of graphs like trees and split graphs. We initiate a study of parameterized and exact exponential time complexity of harmonious coloring.